About Afa Försäkring
Afa Försäkring is an organisation owned by Sweden's labour market parties. We insure employees within the private sector, municipalities and county councils. Today more than five million people are covered by at least one of our insurances.

Filnummer: F6464
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Collective agreement
Our insurance plans are based on collective agreements between Sweden's labour market parties. Afa Försäkring provide financial support in the event of incapacity for work due to sickness, work injury, shortage of work, death and parental leave. In addition to our core insurance activities, we manage knowledge and resources, and work to prevent ill-health in the workplace. In this way, collectively agreed insurance lays the foundations for a better working life, with greater security for all.
Business areas
Insure: Administration of collectively agreed insurance cover within working life.
Manage: Management of knowledge and assets from insurance activities.
Prevent: Preventive measures and research grants for improving health in working life.
Everything is interconnected
Our day-to-day work at Afa Försäkring is all about creating better conditions for people in their working lives. We administer good insurance cover, manage the knowledge from our collectively agreed insurances and our assets with a long-term perspective, and work in a preventive capacity to promote a better working environment and better health. It is the way in which we bring these three business areas together which gives our work its unique strength, providing insurance for a better working life.
Afa Försäkring in figures
Approximately 670 employees.
Number of insureds: 5.1 million.
Benefits paid to insureds: just under SEK 8.6 billion.
Assets under management: approximately SEK 201 billion.
Research grants: SEK 150 million.
Facts about Afa Försäkring
Afa Försäkring is owned by Sweden's labour market parties: the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO) and The Council for Negotiation and Co-operation (PTK). We insure employees within the private sector, municipalities and county councils. Afa Försäkring does not seek to generate a profit, which implies that no dividends are paid to the shareholders.
Our insurance plans are based on collective agreements or other agreements between Sweden's labour market parties.
Afa Försäkring administers the insurance provided through these plans.
Our insurance plans are administered through Afa Försäkring tjänstepensionsaktiebolag.
Since our first insurance claim in 1963, we have processed more than 10 million claims, making our combined knowledge and experience unique.
We support research and claims-prevention activities both through financial grants and by offering access to our unique claims database.